I did go in and take the test.....the first time they sent me back home with out taking it because I had to wait 24 hours from yesterdays visit. So, I went back this afternoon and it's a negative! Which is so great!! But now today more than ever i am feeling SO much pressure! I think he is low. I just still have to be careful. They will take another test in 2 weeks to make sure then as well. I just need to keep him in for at LEAST 4-5 more weeks!! I'm sure everything will be fine! I have faith and know that everything is exactly perfect. Heavenly Father sure has been helping me out a lot lately and he does answer prayers!
Thank you for all of your love and support!
Took the test.....
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
9:47 PM
FFN Test
Well, I went to the doctor today to make sure that everything was okay. I have been having a lot of braxton hicks/contractions and not just when i'm walking around or doing something but also when i'm sitting down. I wanted to make sure i wasn't dialiating before we left out of town for the holidays. The doctor said i'm probably having pre-labor contractions, which aren't too serious. I'm not dialiating but he said if my contractions get any worse then to go back in and get a FFN test. Which they will test to make sure my body isn't in labor. He also said i am very soft.(the women will know what I mean).I will see how tonight and tomorrow goes to tell me if I should go in or not. It's almost like I should just go in just to be safe, but we will see. What do you think? Go in.....or not?
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
8:47 PM
Finally...a picture of my belly.
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
10:58 AM
Baby boy #2
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
1:58 PM
7 Months.....
I am 7 months pregnant today! Can I just say that this little boy moves SO much more than Andrew did! He does like flips and turns to where I just sit there and can watch him move everywhere. I LOVE it! He LOVES to move a lot like that at nights as well...which....I don't love as much. It keeps me up sometimes. I do think that this one could be bigger than Andrew, which i hope is not true...but i guess the main thing i need to hope for is just a healthy baby. I will do anything to get him here and in my arms!
I will have to say that my heart has been acting very weird and it only happens at nights. It will beat really fast. Almost like I ran a mile and it will keep going for at least an hour. Then i feel my heart beat in my head and sometimes my back, then my arms will go numb. It's really weird. I still don't know what it is. I thought it was because of not enough water or just over did it that day. So, I will ask my doctor next week.
Andrew lately has been so in love with any baby he see's. If we are at a store he will start saying baby..baby and he will want to hold it. I hope he stays that way when his little brother comes.
Andrew has such a sweet and tender heart that I think he will be such a great help and such a great brother. He loves to give kisses on my belly to his brudder is what he calls him. LOL.
I am so excited for him to be a big brother. Yes, I would have loved a girl but I am so very glad i'm having a boy for Andrew. They will be best buds! Less than 2 years a part! Perfect!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
10:22 PM
Thee best hair spray!
I just had to put this up on my blog because I know I always like to know what are the best hair products! So..........my sister in law had this over Thanksgiving and I tried it on mine and Andrew's hair....LOVED it! I bought it at Walmart for 5.00. It lasts a very long time. My hair is thin and out of every other hair spray I have tried..well it doesn't last very long in my hair!
I highly recommend you trying this out if you are of need of something new! It also doesn't make your hair crusty!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
11:33 AM
25 weeks Today!
I went to my doctor today and everything is great. The heartbeat is great. Although I did have to do the glucose drink...not my favorite. At least it was fruit punch instead of the Orange flavor! The doctor did say I am measuring a little bit bigger than normal but it won't change my due date. Which is good. I just hope this little boy isn't any bigger than Andrew or i'm in trouble!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
3:08 PM
Whole Wheat Banana Bread...........
This recipe is so easy and so great!
3 ripe bananas
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
Mash together and set aside
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup shortening/butter ( used butter)
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
2 cup flour white/wheat ( I used wheat)
Mix together and add banana mixture
Put into 2 medium size pans. Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes
Good luck!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
10:31 AM
Halloween......Part 2
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
11:09 AM
Halloween.....Part 1
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
10:53 AM
There are SEVEN new posts......so keep on going.........
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
11:15 AM
Britt's Birthday
On my birthday Chad and I went on a date. Chad's dad and step mom watch Andrew for us. Chad took me to Ruby Tuesday for dinner which is one of my favorite places to eat. We used to go there all the time before we got married and really haven't been back since. So, it brought back great dating memories! After that we went to the District to do a little shopping and to watch "Love Happens". I LOVED that movie!! I think it only have like 3 swear words in it. It was clean and all about how to cope when you lose a loved one. It had a little of everything...love...happiness....& of course you cry a little. Chad even liked it! Highly recommend it. After that we went to get Andrew and headed home. It was so great to be on a date with my wonderful hubby! I did get a new Camera for my birthday which i was SO stoked about! I love it!
The top picture you see is a week later at our house. Chad invited his family over to have 7 layer dip and cake and ice cream. It was a lot of fun!
Thanks honey for such an AMAZING birthday! LOVE YOU!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
11:00 AM
Andrew is 19 months old!
The joys of climbing into things! He kept climbing in and out and would sit down.
I can't believe that Andrew is 19 months already! He is getting so big so fast! His favorite thing to do right now it a flip/roll on the floor all by himself! And he also has learned to jump with both feet in the air. Daddy is teaching him all sorts of gymnastic things and he loves to do what daddy does! He is at the point right now where he can say some words but the rest of the time when he can't say what he needs to say he gets frustrated and just pulls on my leg. He does say a lot though! He says something new everyday! He LOVES to sing " I am a Child of God" and "twinkle twinkle little star" and then clap after the song!
I don't know if I have talked about this yet but we found out about a month ago that he has asthma. That's mainly why he has gotten colds so often. We now have his asthma pumps which have made a huge difference. We might take him in to a pulmonologist to make sure it really is just asthma. We will take it from there. I really hope and pray that he will grow out of this soon. The doctor said a lot of kids to grow out of it around age 4. So, we are hoping it will go away. Asthma does run in my family and my sister and brother that has it...has it pretty bad.
Of course Andrew has just been such a great trooper through it all and has been so patient. Let's just say he has taught me a lot of patience.
I am so grateful for Andrew and for all that he teaches me everyday! I love being home with him all day long and spending every moment I can! I know things will change a lot when the 2nd baby comes but I know that Andrew will be patient and loving through it all!
LOVE YOU Andrew!!!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
10:26 AM
21 Week check up.....
I went to the doctor this morning to do an ultrasound. Technically to find out what the sex is but since we found out early it was just to check on the baby. This little boy is nice and healthy. The doctor said that he measures a little bit bigger than normal which would put my due date to March 5th instead of the 3rd but he said two days doesn't really change much so we are keeping it the 3rd. I am glad! Just before we did the ultrasound this boy was moving so much and had the hiccups which most the time if he moves a lot its for a short time. But this time it was like 10 min. and i loved it! Right when Chad put his hand on to feel him....well.....he stopped moving again! Chad still hasn't been able to feel him move. I guess I will have to have a little talk with this boy!
We are very excited to have him come into our family and be here on this earth! We have a lot to do before he comes but somehow we will get it all done.
I will try to scan in the ultrasound pictures later.
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
1:52 PM
Lake Powell in October!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
2:41 PM
The Zoo!
We went to the Zoo with my brother and his family! It was hot but a lot of fun! Andrew loved seeing all of the different animals.
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
2:34 PM
I know this is kind of gross but this just shows you how badly our carpets needed to be cleaned. You can see the new white side compared to the nasty dirty side. My older brother owns my dad's carpet cleaning company in St.George and came up one weekend to clean all of his sister's houses. He did such a great job!! I do have to say though that only about 3 days after they were cleaned, our wonderful dog decided to pee twice in our bedroom on the carpet. She never ever pee's inside the house!! Let's just say she was in time out for a long time! ( I really do put her in time out in the bathroom when she is in trouble).
I am so thankful for having such a wonderful brother to come up and do this for us!
Thank you Brian!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
2:11 PM
I know I am behind again on putting new posts up! We went to Lake Powell last weekend and i will post pictures soon! I am waiting till next week to take pictures of my belly and then I will post those.
Stay tuned.............
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
9:55 AM
A great soup recipe!
After I made this soup recipe tonight I decided to share it with all of you. It isn't the most healthiest soup by any means, But it is very good! It doesn't take very long to make either! Which is something huge for me!
Here it is........................
It's called "Creamy Chicken Soup"
1 small onion, chopped
1 T. Butter
3 C. chicken broth
4 medium carrots, diced small
3 medium potatoes, peeled & cubed
2 C. chicken, cooked & cubed
2 T. fresh parsley
Salt & Pepper to taste
1 C. Milk
1 8-oz. pkg. cream cheese
10 T. Flour
(we don't add chicken because we love just the veggies)
Saute onion in butter; add broth & Vegetables. Bring to a boil;
reduce heat, cover & simmer until veggies are tender. Add chicken, parsley, salt, & pepper.
Combine flour & milk until smooth in another bowl. Add to vegetables.
Bring to a boil, cook & stir for 2 minutes or until thick. Reduce heat;
add cream cheese ( cut it into small pieces first) until melted.
This soup is very thick. Add milk or water if you need to.
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
7:08 PM
Well............Andrew is going to be a big brother!! We did find out early at the fetal studio in the mall. It all happened so fast and and last minute but it all worked out. We are so excited! Now I just need to come up with a boy name!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
9:49 PM
16 Weeks!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
9:21 PM
Summer Fun 2009!
This was at Swiss Days in Midway! It was so much fun! Perfect weather! The guy's went golfing while the girls went shopping! He has strawberry all of over him!
Okay, So Chad brought Andrew downstairs with this shirt on and it's actually supposed to be for Bentley (our yorkie). He had know idea and just thought it was cool! I was laughing so hard! Andrew thought it was so funny he didn't want to take it off!
Andrew's face is kind of cheesy in this picture but he LOVES to put on daddy's work shirts! He know's what Sunline is and would wear that shirt all day long until he starts tripping in it from being way too big!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
9:10 PM
My New Hair!
So, here is the picture finally! We cut 4 1/2 inches off. I have had my hair short before but it was a little shorter than I wanted it. But I love it! It's so easy to do. In fact just before i took this picture, my hair was flipped out and my bangs were pulled back. I changed it so fast and easy! Chad was worried about me cutting my hair short because ALL GUYS LOVE long hair! I don't know why but they do! So, I did it anyways and everyday Chad says " Man, I love your hair so much" and i'm not kidding when I say everyday! I know normally everyone cuts there hair short before summer and keeps it long during the fall but for some reason i'm always the opposite! And I love it!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
3:29 PM
Andrew update!
I realized that I haven't done a update on Andrew in a very long time! So, here is a little one! First of all he will be 18 months old this month! He get's to go to nursery! Yay!! I think he will LOVE it! I just hope he stays healthy each week! I can't believe how fast time goes. He tries to say any word we say.
New words he says: Dinner.....oatmeal.......love you.......football...baseball......mind you that these words aren't completely clear but you can mostly tell what he is saying.
He loves to watch baseball and football on t.v.! Of course only with his daddy! He will most of the time help me clean up his toys. Even if he has a toy in his hand and wants to go outside he will take that toy and put it back in the basket and run back to the door to go outside! With out telling him or asking him! He learns so fast!
Last month we took him to a foot doctor to get his feet checked out. He walks on the insides of his feet instead of them being flat. He doesn't have a arch at all. So the doctor gave us little plates to put in his tennis shoes to wear. He has to wear them as much as he can every day. The doc said he will probably need the plates for at least 2 years and we will see from there. Andrew can only wear tennis shoes. No sandles. Which is okay now that summer is slowly dying off. He doesn't mind them. I don't think he even knows they are in his shoes.
He is growing up so fast and every single day there is something new he learns or does or says! We love him to pieces and love the great spirit he is to our family!!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
10:33 AM
My first doctor appointment
I have two pictures on here because the top one is the baby now and the other is Andrew. Andrew's was at 10 week and 4 days and the new baby was at 11 weeks. So it's kind of awesome to see the difference between the two. Andrew's head is what gave it away on knowing he was a boy. But the new baby is smaller and didn't really get a very good head view.
The baby is perfect and healthy. My DUE date is March 3rd. We are very excited to have another beautiful baby in our family!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
3:01 PM
Just talking out loud!
Is anyone else excited for the fall time to come? I love the warm weather I really do but I am excited to wear sweaters and boots and cute jackets! I know the cold weather will be here before we know it and then we all will be saying that we hate the cold. It happens every year! I just wish that fall time would last a little bit longer before winter hits, before it gets too cold to where we have to where big huge coats. I guess I also get a little excited for fall as well because in October we will find out if we are having a boy or girl. Plus that also means that I will be further along in my pregnancy and should'nt feel as sick anymore. Hopefully!
I thought that I would be able to be more patient this time to find out what sex the baby is but i am just as excited. I think also because it would be so much fun for Andrew to have another boy! I will be so excited for him but at the same time a girl would be great too because then Andrew can protect her (later in life). I guess we will find out in a couple more months! I have my first doctor appointment tomorrow. We will get to make sure there is only one baby in the oven and if there is more than one....well then we have a lot to look forward too!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
3:52 PM
Yes the picture of the baby means we are PREGNANT with baby #2!!! I am due March 5 2010 and that just seems so far away! We go to my first appointment next week to make sure there is just only one baby. We are so very excited! Lately Andrew has been saying baby all the time. Every time we are at the store and he see's a baby he just starts waving and talking to it. So, I guess in a way he knows there is another baby coming into our family!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
10:06 AM
The First Post of Pictures!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
10:25 AM