Britt's Birthday

On my birthday Chad and I went on a date. Chad's dad and step mom watch Andrew for us. Chad took me to Ruby Tuesday for dinner which is one of my favorite places to eat. We used to go there all the time before we got married and really haven't been back since. So, it brought back great dating memories! After that we went to the District to do a little shopping and to watch "Love Happens". I LOVED that movie!! I think it only have like 3 swear words in it. It was clean and all about how to cope when you lose a loved one. It had a little of of course you cry a little. Chad even liked it! Highly recommend it. After that we went to get Andrew and headed home. It was so great to be on a date with my wonderful hubby! I did get a new Camera for my birthday which i was SO stoked about! I love it!
The top picture you see is a week later at our house. Chad invited his family over to have 7 layer dip and cake and ice cream. It was a lot of fun!
Thanks honey for such an AMAZING birthday! LOVE YOU!

1 comment:

Shan @ Design Gal said...

happy birthday!!! you guys are such great neighbors! i'm glad your birthday was awesome!