Andrew is 19 months old!

This is in our desk. He can climb all the way in and shut the door. He LOVES it!

Went miniature golfing with my family at Trafalga. He had to do it himself.

This was at a family blessing. I just think he looks so hansom!

The joys of climbing into things! He kept climbing in and out and would sit down.

I can't believe that Andrew is 19 months already! He is getting so big so fast! His favorite thing to do right now it a flip/roll on the floor all by himself! And he also has learned to jump with both feet in the air. Daddy is teaching him all sorts of gymnastic things and he loves to do what daddy does! He is at the point right now where he can say some words but the rest of the time when he can't say what he needs to say he gets frustrated and just pulls on my leg. He does say a lot though! He says something new everyday! He LOVES to sing " I am a Child of God" and "twinkle twinkle little star" and then clap after the song!
I don't know if I have talked about this yet but we found out about a month ago that he has asthma. That's mainly why he has gotten colds so often. We now have his asthma pumps which have made a huge difference. We might take him in to a pulmonologist to make sure it really is just asthma. We will take it from there. I really hope and pray that he will grow out of this soon. The doctor said a lot of kids to grow out of it around age 4. So, we are hoping it will go away. Asthma does run in my family and my sister and brother that has it...has it pretty bad.
Of course Andrew has just been such a great trooper through it all and has been so patient. Let's just say he has taught me a lot of patience.
I am so grateful for Andrew and for all that he teaches me everyday! I love being home with him all day long and spending every moment I can! I know things will change a lot when the 2nd baby comes but I know that Andrew will be patient and loving through it all!
LOVE YOU Andrew!!!

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