14 weeks!

Well, I am 14 almost 15 weeks along! I am so happy to be done with the first trimester! It was so hard being so sick and already having bad lower back pain. Let's just say that I have an amazing husband! He cleaned the house and took care of us all! It feels great to be able to clean and do the projects I have been wanting to do! I love getting in te cleaning mode but then I usually end on doing way too much and my body kills the next day. But we sure love our clean house! I went to my doctors appointment a week ago and he did a ultr sound to check on things and everything is great! And of course he couldn't see what the sex of the baby was! Dang it! Lol. Buy he did say well just come back in 2 or 3 weeks and I will do a quick ultra sound to see what it is! Yay! I was so excited because it was either wait till 20 weeks or go early to the fetal photo. Now I can just wait till I'm 16 weeks for the next appointment! I sure hope te baby cooperates! I will let you all know what it is!