FFN Test

Well, I went to the doctor today to make sure that everything was okay. I have been having a lot of braxton hicks/contractions and not just when i'm walking around or doing something but also when i'm sitting down. I wanted to make sure i wasn't dialiating before we left out of town for the holidays. The doctor said i'm probably having pre-labor contractions, which aren't too serious. I'm not dialiating but he said if my contractions get any worse then to go back in and get a FFN test. Which they will test to make sure my body isn't in labor. He also said i am very soft.(the women will know what I mean).I will see how tonight and tomorrow goes to tell me if I should go in or not. It's almost like I should just go in just to be safe, but we will see. What do you think? Go in.....or not?


PB&JDensley said...

I think I would get checked just in case. Especially since you're going out of town. You can't be too careful! Good Luck!

Amber Blair said...

Yup, get checked just in case. Let me know what's going on!!

Em said...

If it would make you feel better even a little bit I would.

I wish I would have earlier I was having contractions and didn't go in and had Cru two days later at thirty weeks so yeah go in if your worried. Good Luck!! Most likely it is just nothing.