Andrew is 9 months today! He is so big and learning and doing new things everyday! His new favorite thing is the catapillar crawl. He puts his hands under his chest and pushes his feet and his bum goes straight in the air! It's so funny to watch! He goes all over the place now. When he wants me he knows to just crawl to me. He loves to read books and look at pictures. He started to that funny face I have on here in his booster chair. It's like he wants more attention. It's cute. I can't believe how fast time fly's. I can't wait for him to open up his presents. He will love it!
Andrew is 9 months!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
1:29 PM
I made this last night. It's for Chad's wonderful sister in law! She told me the one thing she didn't have was diapers. So, I came up with this. It only took me about two hours. Poor Chad was the only person around when I made it so I kept asking for his opinion. He wasn't too excited about it.
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
2:16 PM
Brownie mistake
Last night I was so excited to make this new recipe I found and it's called brownie delight. It has caramel and white and chocolate chips...anyways you get the idea on why I wanted to make it. I added the white and chocolate chips and caramel and last bit of the batter and then you put it back in the oven. Well, i had the pan on the stove while i was pooring those items in it and the caramel kept boiling and smoking really bad. Our house filled with smoked so FAST! We opened all the windows and doors and it still was really bad. I finally just finished it and put it in the oven and guess what I noticed i did of the stove's was still on from when I cooked the caramel. So the stove was cooking the bottom of my brownie pan and BURNT the bottom of the brownies!! It only burnt the middle so I was hoping for it to still be good on the top but it all tasted burnt. So, I had to throw it ALL away!!!! I was so upset! Chad kept saying " you learn from your own mistakes". I just looked at him and said whatever! In the end I didn't get my yummy brownies I wanted and cooked for an hour. I will try it again in a couple of weeks once when I calm down about it.
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
11:17 AM
Carrie Underwood Concert!
Carrie Underwood's concert was Amazing! She is such a talented women and so down to earth! In between songs they showed a video of her from now to when she tried out for American Idol. I cried of course because it showed her crying so many times and saying how blessed she is. I feel like she is my sister sometimes as weird as that sounds. She had a 14 year old girl get up on the stage for her all american girl song and that girl was shaking so bad and she kept telling her to stop being so nervous but MAN I would have done the SAME thing! That girl sung with her and she was actually pretty good. Can you imagine though? That experience is going to be with her for the rest of her life! That would be so Great! I didn't take my camera of course! So these pictures are from my phone and they aren't the best but at least it's something. We were pretty far back but not too bad. It was better than being down on the floor trying to see over some big guys head. I went with my parents and 3 sisters and one brother in law and some friends. I am so grateful that we bought those tickets like 4 months ago! If any of you ever has a chance to go see her then I HIGHLY recommend it!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
12:17 PM
Hubby Tag
Friends who should do this: Angie Fletcher, Kerryann Rowley and who ever else would like to!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
1:12 PM
Last Saturday I decided that I wanted something new with my hair. I had Chad cut them so I could see and then i did the rest! I know I am crazy. But it was easy and I have trimmed my own hair before. I know how they do it, it's not THAT hard. I haven't gotten used to them yet. It's weird for me still. Chad said I looked like I was 15. I don't think I do! So there is my new hair.
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
11:03 AM
I forgot to post one of us in our costumes. Chad was the Utes devil , I was the BYU angel and Andrew was our cute football!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
10:48 AM
It was so hard to get Andrew to be happy in the pumpkin. He did not like it at all! But we got a couple good ones.
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
10:43 AM
Here is our Whole family! We took this picture about two months ago! This one isn't my favorite one because Andrew isn't doing his real smile but it's a really neat background. The Manti Temple. Where my parents live now!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
4:50 PM
My brother in law invited me and Andrew to go hiking with them in Provo Canyon. We first went to the Bridal Veils Falls and it was freezing. So then we went to SkwaPeak. It was scary but a lot fun! Andrew loved it!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
11:10 AM
Andrew is 7 Months old now! He is growing so fast!He has two teeth now. I can't get any pictures of them but i'm glad they are done. He loves to roll all over the place. He hasn't started to crawl yet but he scoots a little. I think he'll start crawling soon. As of yesterday he loves it when I sing my warm ups. He thinks it's so funny. He laughs and starts talking and singing with me! I'm glad he likes it because then it will help remind me to do them everyday! Time fly's by so fast and it's so true that it goes by even faster after you have a baby! I guess it's just because you are always busy. Which it is good to be busy just as long as you enjoy every minute of it! I am so grateful for Andrew! He is a huge blessing! We love you Andrew!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
2:47 PM
Happy Birthday Brittney!!
It is a VERY rare thing that I am posting this time, given that most husbands don't have much say when it comes to the content of the blog. That is why I have decided to post this after Brittney has gone to bed. I wanted to quickly let my sweet wife know how much I appreciate and love her. She is the foundation of our little family and myself, Andrew and even Bentley would be lost without her. Brittney, we all love you very much and hope that you have had a very Happy Birthday!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
12:07 AM
So, this week starting last Sunday we came over to our friends house to watch their four kids for a week. The parents went on a cruise which they really needed and deserved to get away! They have a 10 year old girl, 8 year old boy, 5 year old boy and a 2 year old girl. They are the cutest kids! They love Andrew to pieces and love to play with him. It has been very interesting with trying to get used to 5 kids all of a sudden. Plus the cleaning and cooking. I love it all but it does get tiring! I am so glad that we did get this opportunity to help our great friends out. The question " Do I really want more kids" does come to mind a lot. But I do need to remember that it is different when they are your own kids and we will only have one at a time. So, I will learn as they come. Unless we have twins. We are staying here until Saturday or Sunday. It has been great!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
11:06 AM
I got tagged! The Blog Award!
1. Where is your cell phone? Desk
2. Where is your significant other? Home teaching
3. Your hair color? Dirty Blonde
4. Your mother? RaNea
5. Your father? Michael
6. Your favorite thing? Singing
7. Your dream last night? I rather not say. Ask Chad!
8. Your dream/goal? To be of more service
9. The room you're in? Office
10. Your hobby? Singing and Piano(teaching)
11. Your fear? ?
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Should be done having kids. Hoping for twins.
13. Where were you last night? Chad's Dads house and eating out.
14. What you're not? Healthy and Fit
15. One of your wish-list items? A Kareoke Machine
16. Where you grew up? St.George, Utah
17. The last thing you did? Fed Andrew
18. What are you wearing? Yellow shirt, Shorts
19. Your TV? Kid's watching Disney
20. Your pet? Bentley (Yorkie)
21. Your computer? On
22. Your mood? Hungry( as always)
23. Missing someone? For sure
24. Your car? Grand Jeep Charoeke
25. Something you're not wearing? My wedding ring. Allergic right now.
26. Favorite store? Kohl's, Target
27. Your summer? Fun and not done yet
28. Love someone? Chad
29. Your favorite color? Yellow
30. When is the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? Last Sunday
The Seven people I tag:
1. Kerrie M
2. Rae Garn
3. Ashlee Lowe
4. Krystal Atkinson
5. Angie Fl.
6. Lindsey
7. Kerryann R.
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
5:21 PM
I need some help. We are trying to figure out what us three as a family could be for halloween. At first i wanted Andrew to be a pirate because Old Navy had one, but then we would have to think of something to go with that. Please give some ideas. I know there are a lot of you who are very creative. Thanks everyone!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
1:00 PM
John Schmidt Concert!
Last Saturday night we went and saw John Schmidt in concert at Thanksgiving Point in the outside amphitheater by the big waterfalls. It was so beautiful! John is a very talented piano player. This was our 3rd year going and we plan on going every year. We recommend everyone going to at least one of his concerts! Andrew loved his cookie. He tried so hard to eat it.
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
5:17 PM
Fun Adventure
We decided to re-paint our bedroom furniture black and it turned out pretty good. We had a little trouble with having the paint stay on because it ended up not being real wood. But I'm glad we did it! It makes our room so much better looking!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
5:14 PM
Andrew is 5 almost 6 months old now. He had his first set of shots last week and he sure did not like them. It was so hard to see my little boy get shots especially since I hate them! He was a good boy though. He cried for a little and then just had the suck ups for like a hour after and then slept for a while!
This last weekend we went to Manti for my family reunion and for my little brother's farewell. He is going to Munich, Austria Germany. He asked all his brother's and sister's to sing a song in church so we sang "How great thou art" and it sounded really good! I pretty much cried through the whole song. Evan's talk was amazing! The spirit was so strong and I don't think there was a dry eye in the room. Evan leaves next Wednesday and I can't believe how fast time fly's! What is really crazy to think is when he gets back in two years we will have another baby and Andrew will be almost 3. We will all miss Evan so much! For the reunion most of the family went and did a session at the Manti temple. That is such a beautiful temple! We also did some four wheeling and watched movies and hung out! It was a great and fun time to be with everyone!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
3:52 PM
We went to the Bee's game on the 24th of July. It was us and Chad's dad and Step mom Cindy. The fireworks were amazing! We went onto the baseball field and had them right over us!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
2:13 PM
Andrew at 4 months!
We bought Andrew a Bumbo chair and he loved it for the first couple of weeks, but now he pushes his feet to lift his bum out of it. I went to a yard sale and found the bouncy chair for $5.00. I was so excited! That is the best thing in the world! He absolutely loves it. He will be in that thing for at least an hour and I am able to get things done! For those of you who have kids this age, I would suggest you buy one!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
10:10 PM
Andrew's first 4th of July!
This is the other half of 4th of July. We went swimming at Raging Waters. It was mostly cloudy and I didn't put any sunblock on which was not smart of me to do! I just got too busy. The water was too cold for Andrew so Chad and I got a tube and went down the lazy river. I sat in the tube and had Andrew on my lap and he fell asleep. It was so cute. That is his first time wearing that top and its too small on him. It's a size 3-6 month. He is a big boy!
After swimming we went home and back out to see the fireworks in Sandy. It was a lot of fun to be able to relax and talk and play. Andrew looks scared in this picture and I don't know why. It was a very full day but a great day!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
1:04 PM
Good Things Utah!
For the 4th of July and my sister Kerryann's birthday we went to be in the audience of Good Things Utah! It was a good thing we went because there weren't very many people there at all. We just cheered very loud! My sister bought the crowns for a dollar at target for her girls but thought it would be fun for us to wear them there. The Good thing Utah girls loved them! It was very different seeing the actual set and how they work everything. It's a lot smaller than I thought it was. Towards the end we got these cute bags full of scrapbooking things to decorate the bag with. Now when i watch the show at home it's very different just because I know how they move things around to do everything. It was a blast!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
12:52 PM
I need thoughts for the baby contest!
I am putting Andrew in a baby contest this Thursday at 10:00 A.M. I just thought it would be so fun to do and see what happens! I don't know what the prizes are but I do know that if he wins out of all the babies then he and I will be on a float in the American Fork parade this weekend. That's just what I have heard. I need some advice on which outfit to put him in. The plaid shorts is dark brown with baby blue and yellow. Please help me decide! Those of you who really know me knows how indecisive I am. Thanks!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
8:42 PM