Andrew is 7 Months old now! He is growing so fast!He has two teeth now. I can't get any pictures of them but i'm glad they are done. He loves to roll all over the place. He hasn't started to crawl yet but he scoots a little. I think he'll start crawling soon. As of yesterday he loves it when I sing my warm ups. He thinks it's so funny. He laughs and starts talking and singing with me! I'm glad he likes it because then it will help remind me to do them everyday! Time fly's by so fast and it's so true that it goes by even faster after you have a baby! I guess it's just because you are always busy. Which it is good to be busy just as long as you enjoy every minute of it! I am so grateful for Andrew! He is a huge blessing! We love you Andrew!


ChasandKylie said...

He is so big and handsome! Time does fly after having a little one around. I can't believe how fast time has gone with my little guy.

Em said...

Oh my goodness he is so cute! I can't wait till Cru can interact with me!