New Food Ideas

Okay everyone......I am needing some new ideas for snacks or meals for Andrew. He has been picky with what he eats and I am running out of ideas. He has four teeth but still can't eat completely normal foods. He loves fruits but i haven't been able to really get him to love any vegetable. He will sometimes eat cut green beans but that's about it. Does anybody have any ideas??


Ben said...

When my girls were about that age, I would give them frozen peas...they loved the cold texture and they thought it was great fun to play with!

Lori Collett said...

Owen was a Mac 'n Cheese maniac at that age. The noodles were so soft he didn't need to chew them as long as he only had one or two at a time. My kids also loved corn. I always have a bag of frozen corn in the freezer to cook whenever they want it. I'd just add a little butter and salt and they LOVED it!

Rhett and Jenteal said...

For Lexi I would cook some rice and put veggie soup over it. Don't add water to the soup, just straight out of the can onto the rice. Lexi loved it, easy to chew and she got her veggies too. Lexi also loves the flavored applesauce, and yogurt.

thekimbo said...

Have you tried spaghetti? Dax loves it to say the least! I also give him the peas and carrots cooked with a little butter. He likes those as well.