Happy Birthday Andrew!!

Andrew had a great birthday! He got some great gifts and cupcakes which was perfect size for him to hold and eat. He got a Escalade car as you can see and he loves it!! I can't believe he is already 1!! It seems like yesterday when I had him! Time really does fly by so fast! I love that he is getting more independent and is being more curious about things. Getting into the toilet paper and drawers and playing the piano! Every time I have a student doing vocal warm ups he does them with us. He is going to be a GREAT singer! We love Andrew with all of our hearts! He has been such a blessing to us! He has taught us so much and everyday it's something new! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDREW!!! We love you so much!!!
Love, Mommy & Daddy!!


Ashley and Ryan said...

Happy Birthday Andrew!!!
Love Ash, Ry, and your good friend Boston!

Atkinsons said...

aww Happy Birthday to both your boys!!