
I know this is kind of gross but this just shows you how badly our carpets needed to be cleaned. You can see the new white side compared to the nasty dirty side. My older brother owns my dad's carpet cleaning company in St.George and came up one weekend to clean all of his sister's houses. He did such a great job!! I do have to say though that only about 3 days after they were cleaned, our wonderful dog decided to pee twice in our bedroom on the carpet. She never ever pee's inside the house!! Let's just say she was in time out for a long time! ( I really do put her in time out in the bathroom when she is in trouble).
I am so thankful for having such a wonderful brother to come up and do this for us!
Thank you Brian!

1 comment:

Shan @ Design Gal said...

oh man! that sucks! next time he comes up have him do ours too!!! :)