Picture time!

Andrew loves his baths. Every time it's filling up he helps me get his clothes off as fast as he can so he can get in. It's so cute!

He got this piano for Christmas and loved it. He only likes his toys for about 5 minutes and then he is done with them.

He LOVES to read his books! Ever since he was able to turn the pages himself he enjoys reading so much more! I read a book to him at nights before he goes to bed and he loves it.

We went ice skating with Chad's family a while ago and it was fun I just wished that Andrew could be ice skating with us. One day he will. He had fun eating a ton of licorice though!

He finally was curious enough to get into the cupboard that had my pans in it. You can't see any of them because he took them all out. He sure loves to make his messes but it's so much fun to see how curious he is and one day I will be able to teach him to help me clean up his messes.

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