Andrew's Adventures

As of last night Andrew decided to pull himself up to stand and hang onto the garbage can. Luckily it didn't fall....until this morning. He did the same thing and then right when I turned around he and the garbage can were on the floor. The garbage can landed on top of him and things went everywhere. He did hit his head pretty hard on the floor. I felt so bad but at the same time I had to kind of laugh because he is just learning to explore with everything! We have a little table that has a little drawer and last week he pulled himself up to stand to reach on top of it and the whole thing came down with him. Luckily that didn't land on top of him but it sure scared him really bad. I love the fact that he is learning so much right and exploring so much but it was very hard some days. The days I just want to get so much done but never do because he is crawling up my legs. But those are the days that I realize to just put everything on hold and to just hold him and play with him. I end up on loving those days! His birthday is coming up and I have been planning his birthday since last month! I know I'm crazy but I don't want to be doing things last minute. Like deep cleaning my house which the spring time is coming anyways and I might as well do it now. I am so excited for him to turn one! It was so crazy how fast time fly's! I love my little Andrew so much! I am so grateful for all that he teaches me! Love you Andrew!

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