Little Andrew

So our computer still has the virus. I can't post any pictures just yet but will soon. As for now I just wanted to talk about Andrew. He is teething and has one eye tooth and is getting the other eye tooth. He doesn't have his two front teeth yet either so it looks funny. But I love it! He is 11 months old in two weeks. He is getting into everything more and more and is so tired of his toys. I have to try to come up with new things everyday to entertain him so he isn't crawling up my legs. Which I normally just get pans and things from the kitchen and he loves it all. He loves to get into Bentley's dog food and water and so I put it on the table and then poor Bentley doesn't get any food or water all day because I had forgotten about it! I feel so bad. Andrew is trying to learn to crawl up the stairs which is not good. I love watching him explore something new everyday! It is the most fun thing in the world right now! When he knows he is in trouble and i say his name and look at him he will smile and wave and try to be funny. It's so cute! When we go to the store he waves to everyone that he sees. I love it because he makes everyone's day even people we don't know. I love my little Andrew so much! He is such a joy to our family.

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