There are SEVEN new keep on going.........
Britt's Birthday
On my birthday Chad and I went on a date. Chad's dad and step mom watch Andrew for us. Chad took me to Ruby Tuesday for dinner which is one of my favorite places to eat. We used to go there all the time before we got married and really haven't been back since. So, it brought back great dating memories! After that we went to the District to do a little shopping and to watch "Love Happens". I LOVED that movie!! I think it only have like 3 swear words in it. It was clean and all about how to cope when you lose a loved one. It had a little of of course you cry a little. Chad even liked it! Highly recommend it. After that we went to get Andrew and headed home. It was so great to be on a date with my wonderful hubby! I did get a new Camera for my birthday which i was SO stoked about! I love it!
The top picture you see is a week later at our house. Chad invited his family over to have 7 layer dip and cake and ice cream. It was a lot of fun!
Thanks honey for such an AMAZING birthday! LOVE YOU!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
11:00 AM
Andrew is 19 months old!
The joys of climbing into things! He kept climbing in and out and would sit down.
I can't believe that Andrew is 19 months already! He is getting so big so fast! His favorite thing to do right now it a flip/roll on the floor all by himself! And he also has learned to jump with both feet in the air. Daddy is teaching him all sorts of gymnastic things and he loves to do what daddy does! He is at the point right now where he can say some words but the rest of the time when he can't say what he needs to say he gets frustrated and just pulls on my leg. He does say a lot though! He says something new everyday! He LOVES to sing " I am a Child of God" and "twinkle twinkle little star" and then clap after the song!
I don't know if I have talked about this yet but we found out about a month ago that he has asthma. That's mainly why he has gotten colds so often. We now have his asthma pumps which have made a huge difference. We might take him in to a pulmonologist to make sure it really is just asthma. We will take it from there. I really hope and pray that he will grow out of this soon. The doctor said a lot of kids to grow out of it around age 4. So, we are hoping it will go away. Asthma does run in my family and my sister and brother that has it...has it pretty bad.
Of course Andrew has just been such a great trooper through it all and has been so patient. Let's just say he has taught me a lot of patience.
I am so grateful for Andrew and for all that he teaches me everyday! I love being home with him all day long and spending every moment I can! I know things will change a lot when the 2nd baby comes but I know that Andrew will be patient and loving through it all!
LOVE YOU Andrew!!!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
10:26 AM
21 Week check up.....
I went to the doctor this morning to do an ultrasound. Technically to find out what the sex is but since we found out early it was just to check on the baby. This little boy is nice and healthy. The doctor said that he measures a little bit bigger than normal which would put my due date to March 5th instead of the 3rd but he said two days doesn't really change much so we are keeping it the 3rd. I am glad! Just before we did the ultrasound this boy was moving so much and had the hiccups which most the time if he moves a lot its for a short time. But this time it was like 10 min. and i loved it! Right when Chad put his hand on to feel him....well.....he stopped moving again! Chad still hasn't been able to feel him move. I guess I will have to have a little talk with this boy!
We are very excited to have him come into our family and be here on this earth! We have a lot to do before he comes but somehow we will get it all done.
I will try to scan in the ultrasound pictures later.
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
1:52 PM
Lake Powell in October!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
2:41 PM
The Zoo!
We went to the Zoo with my brother and his family! It was hot but a lot of fun! Andrew loved seeing all of the different animals.
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
2:34 PM
I know this is kind of gross but this just shows you how badly our carpets needed to be cleaned. You can see the new white side compared to the nasty dirty side. My older brother owns my dad's carpet cleaning company in St.George and came up one weekend to clean all of his sister's houses. He did such a great job!! I do have to say though that only about 3 days after they were cleaned, our wonderful dog decided to pee twice in our bedroom on the carpet. She never ever pee's inside the house!! Let's just say she was in time out for a long time! ( I really do put her in time out in the bathroom when she is in trouble).
I am so thankful for having such a wonderful brother to come up and do this for us!
Thank you Brian!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
2:11 PM
I know I am behind again on putting new posts up! We went to Lake Powell last weekend and i will post pictures soon! I am waiting till next week to take pictures of my belly and then I will post those.
Stay tuned.............
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
9:55 AM