Busy Busy and Andrew got burnt.....

(This isn't the best picture but he wouldn't let us take any of him. You can see both burns on his face and on his arm.)
Well, can I just say this weekend we were very busy! It all started Friday morning. Andrew some how got a hold of my flat iron and BURNT both cheeks and on his arm. The one on his arm is about the size of a nickel and a couple smaller ones. I don't have a CLUE on how he got a hold of it. I even had the cord up on the counter in the back. He must have grown like 5 inches just standing there! I of course was flipping out. I tried to stay calm and it's so hard to! I just cried and told Chad to come home to help me. I sat there thinking...how am I going to take care of 3 kids when one of them gets hurt like this?? I guess it will all work out. That's till a ways down the road. I put cold wash cloths on it and then aloe vera and then neosporn. I talked to his nurse and thats what she told me to do. I hadn't gotten ready for the day yet and we had a graduation to go to in a hour. I didn't know how I was going to make it when Andrew just wanted me to hold him! He cried for about a good thirty minutes and then calmed down after I gave him lunch. Then he was playing again but I HAD to be in the room with him.
Anyways, he is doing much better now. They are just scabbing over and we are putting aloe vera plant on them all day long. He is such a strong boy! I just pray they don't leave any scars! I know baby's body's are fast healers and very strong!

We ended up on making it to the graduation of Chad's really close friend! It went well! That night Chad had to work for a while and got off early and came home. Saturday morning got up and dropped Andrew off at Grandpa's house to get watched while we went to the Draper Temple to be there for my Cousin Merrissa as she went through the Temple. It was so amazing!
After we went to get Andrew and went to a BBQ at my cousins house to celebrate! Then Chad went to work and I went home to do Young Women's stuff. It was a very great weekend but busy! Overall we are all safe and Andrew is doing SO much better!
Thanks to everyone for giving us advice on how to take care of Andrew's burns!!


Rae said...

Oh, Sweet Baby! I am so sorry that happened to him - and you! Those kids can get into EVERYTHING!! Even when you are super careful and try to keep stuff out of reach! I am sorry for you guys - however, the good news is he will never remember what happened! He's still a cutie patootie!

ChasandKylie said...

Oh poor little man! No worries though really. These things happen. Its so hard to see them get hurt and not feel like you can protect them from everything and anything!!

Lori Collett said...

Poor little guy!! It's so hard when your kids get hurt! William burnt himself on my flat iron when he was little, not at all that bad, but I still felt awful for it!

Ashlee said...

Oh my goodness that is no fun at all! I hate it when I get a little tiny burn, I can't imagine one on my baby's little body. I am so sorry brit, accidents happen though all the time. Good thing you were right there to help him feel better. You are a great little mommy and I am sure he will be just perfect.