I know it took us a while to post pictures up but here he is! Andrew Michael Atkinson! He was born March 25th at 5:27 p.m. He weighed 8lbs 6oz 19 1/2 inches. Big boy! He has a lot of hair and it's blonde with a tint of red to it! So cute! He has very long fingers and toes! I don't know where he got that from! He was in the ICU for all 3 days we were there. He had fluid in his lungs and wasn't breathing well. They had him on oxygen and a I.V. He was able to come home with us on Thursday night very late. But i'm just glad he came home with us! We had him on oxygen and on a monitor here at home but we went to the doctor yesterday and he said to take him off of the oxygen for 24 hours and he has been off and doing so well! He is one strong boy! He is such a major blessing in our lives! I love being a mom and Chad loves coming home to his little boy!


Jessica said...

I've been waiting to see pics of him. He is darling. I am glad he is ok. It's so scary when something goes wrong. Addie was having trouble breathing when she was born too, so she was in the nursery the whole time. The little IV made me so sad. We are glad you all came home safe. Congratulations!!!

The Campbells said...

Congratulations! We are so excited he finally came! Sorry he had a rough start, but glad to hear he is doing well now!

Lindsey @ Scarlett James Design said...

CONGRATS! I love his name and so glad he finally came. :) It is so scarry when anything is wrong but sounds like all is good now. Enjoy the nezt few months of sleepless nights....It will go by FAST.