One month!

Well, here we are and Andrew is now 1 month old! Time sure goes by fast when your having fun and being busy! Today we got in the tub together and he loved it so much that he decided to poo about 3 times and so it wasn't any longer a clean tub. So then we got in the shower to wash off and he loved it so much! He could have been in it forever! He is doing so great with sleeping. Last night he slept for about 4 almost 5 hours! I didn't think he would sleep that long but he sure did and he was still tired after he got done eating. It was nice for me to get that sleep! He is starting to make more noises now! It's so dang cute! He is getting blessed in two weeks and i am going to find him a tux looking suit! I will put pictures up after the event! Anyone is invited to his blessing. It's May 4th at 9:00 a.m. at out church in American Fork! There is food afterwards at our place! Let me know if you are coming!

1 comment:

Torrey said...

I can't believe that he's already one month! He is so adorable. Thanks for coming over to visit yesterday. You are so sweet :)