The baby is still not here.....

So, he still hasn't come yet. I'm 2 days overdue and it's driving me crazy. We went into the hospital last Saturday thinking we were going to stay and have him but they sent me home because my contractions weren't consistant I guess. They said I was at a 3 and still 80 percent effaced. I really think that if a doctor would have checked me instead of a nurse he would have said i was dilating more than that. I really feel now that i'm at least a 5. I don't know how to explain it but I really feel I am more. I still am having contractions but they are up and down. They will stay consistant for like 30 minutes and then slow down or be further apart. It is frustrating but I really believe my body is getting ready but either slower than i want or just differently. Maybe i'll be one of those girls where I will be all of a sudden dilated at a 8 and then go in and have him really fast! That for sure could happen! I know he is ready to come. But he is being very patient! I have a regular doc appointment on Friday morning and i'm pretty sure they will just induce me then since it would almost be a week after my due date. So i'm pretty sure he will be here by this weekend if anything! We'll keep you all updated!!


Jessica said...

Eat lots of spicy food. It is suppose to help induce labor if you are ready. I am so sorry he isn't here yet, I think the last week or two is the worst. Good Luck!!

Lindsey @ Scarlett James Design said...

Still no BABY??? You better post pictures as soon as he is here!