The great double stroller!

I just have to say how much this double stroller is going to save my life and make things so much easier! Last week I went out shopping and only had my single stroller which Isaac was in. Andrew was being a 2 year old and kept running away from me and is too friendly to strangers! It was so stressful. Finally I found a stroller that I like and was cheap and had great reviews! I am now so excited to be able to go anywhere and know that my 2 year can't run away. It makes me even excited to go to the Zoo or something! Thanks Target!

1 comment:

Rae said...

We have this one in a different color and we love it, too. The big kids try to sneak a ride which makes it a little (lot) hard to push. Really happy we bought the double stroller and not just the sit and stand option.