Almost 38 weeks.....

This isn't the best picture.....we took this at around 10:30 at night and i looked way too tired to show my face. lol. I am 36 weeks along.

I know I am always talking about this pregnancy but it's of course one of the main things on my mind. I went to my doctor today and i'm now dialated to a 3 and 70 percent effaced. The doctor said that at my next appointment I could get my membranes stripped if I wanted to but he pretty much said that will put me right into labor. He basically said if i'm having contractions that are so bad to where I can't walk or talk then to go straight to the hospital. Which makes sence. When I got to a 4 with Andrew that's when everything went so fast and all of a sudden he was in my arms. We still don't have a name yet and I really think that once we do decide on one..he will come.
I hope all is going well for all of you!


Bugg's mama said...

I would also add.....if the contractions are not necessarily painful but consistent. That's how I work anyway. Good Luuuuuuuck!

Ben said...

It sounds like you have a lot to think about, and it's okay if its all about the baby! :) I am excited to meet the little guy! We miss you in YW!