Chad's New Calling!

Well, last Sunday we were about to leave after church was done and a guy came up to Chad and asked him and I to go meet with the Stake President in a hour. Chad was very suprised and was thinking that we would be called into the spanish branch. Which would have been hard for me since I don't know any spanish! Instead they called him to be the 1st counselor in the Elders Quorum! He is very excited! He had his first meeting last night that lasted almost 4 hours long! Till midnight! I didn't think it was going to be that long. I know that Chad will do great and this calling is so perfect for him! We used to be the Weblos leaders for scouts and we loved that but we knew there had to be more for us in this ward. I'm so grateful for his new calling! Chad you will be amazing at this calling! I'm so excited for you! I love you!

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