Andrew's Blessing

I know it took me a long time to get these up but I finally was able to get it done! I am retarted when it comes to hooking our camera up to the computer, so i have to wait for Chad's help! Here are some pictures of him in his cute blessing outfit! Chad dressed him before church and forgot the little bow tie to it so it's missing but everything else is there. It was a little big on him but he still looked so dang cute. Chad gave an amazing blessing! Of course I cried! Andrew was asleep for the whole thing until the very end where his binki fell out of his mouth and he started to cry. But other than that he did great! We had a lot of great friends and family that came to support us in this event! We also had a lot of family bring food and treats and thank you all for that help! We were so glad that the weather was good for us! Our house is too small to have such a big event inside. We have a big grass area with a playground and pavilion in the back yard and that's where we had the food and everything after the blessing. It turned out just perfect! Thank you for those that were able to make it!

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