Summer 2010

Camping with family in Beaver
We had our 4 year anniversary June 23! Went to dinner to Maglebe's and got dessert.
My sister and I and our babies. They are 9 weeks apart and Kerryann and I are 9 years apart!

Pizza Calzones

Here is one of my families favorite recipes! It is so easy!
Preheat oven to 350.
I use frozen Rhodes Rolls and let them thaw out for about 30 min. Depending on how hot the room is.
I combine 2 rolls together to make them bigger. Once when you get them stretched out you then put pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese and whatever else you would like. Then you pinch the sides together. It may not be perfect but try to get as much pinched together you can to keep everything in.
Put in oven for 10 to 15 minutes.


Andrew and Isaac Blessing days..

This is Andrew and................................................This is Isaac.
Andrew was so much more chubby than Isaac is. But they are both definelty brothers!

Where Andrew sleeps.....

These are just a couple of places where Andrew falls asleep. Either the kitchen floor or in front of the door of my bedroom. He just couldn't wait for lunch so he layed down on the floor and I looked around and he was out!

Isaac is 2 months old in this picture! I love his smiles!
The one with Andrew and I is when we went hiking in Provo Canyon! So beautiful up there!
The top one is at my sister's grave in Midway!


I just have to say how grateful I am for trials. I may have said this before, but it's true! Yes, they are hard and when your actually in a trial of course your not going to be grateful for it at the time. But we have had a crazy week this week. I guess I was kind of feeling like life was just kind of at a platueo....then we have trials this week and it was hard but I loved how they helped us learn and grow. It helped our testimonies grown and to really realize how every minute of every day is so important! Live every minute of everyday to the fullest! 
The trials this week aren't as bad as others that I have had in my life...but they were bad enough that I was able to learn from them. I am so grateful for Heavenly Father for giving us these trials to help us stay on the right path and to stay close to him!  

I love my two sweet beautiful boys! I love my wonderful husband! I have such great friends around me and an amazing family! Thank you so much for all of those who have been and are in my life as well as my families life who have been such great examples of love and happiness!