1. Where is your cell phone? Desk
2. Where is your significant other? Home teaching
3. Your hair color? Dirty Blonde
4. Your mother? RaNea
5. Your father? Michael
6. Your favorite thing? Singing
7. Your dream last night? I rather not say. Ask Chad!
8. Your dream/goal? To be of more service
9. The room you're in? Office
10. Your hobby? Singing and Piano(teaching)
11. Your fear? ?
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Should be done having kids. Hoping for twins.
13. Where were you last night? Chad's Dads house and eating out.
14. What you're not? Healthy and Fit
15. One of your wish-list items? A Kareoke Machine
16. Where you grew up? St.George, Utah
17. The last thing you did? Fed Andrew
18. What are you wearing? Yellow shirt, Shorts
19. Your TV? Kid's watching Disney
20. Your pet? Bentley (Yorkie)
21. Your computer? On
22. Your mood? Hungry( as always)
23. Missing someone? For sure
24. Your car? Grand Jeep Charoeke
25. Something you're not wearing? My wedding ring. Allergic right now.
26. Favorite store? Kohl's, Target
27. Your summer? Fun and not done yet
28. Love someone? Chad
29. Your favorite color? Yellow
30. When is the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? Last Sunday
The Seven people I tag:
1. Kerrie M
2. Rae Garn
3. Ashlee Lowe
4. Krystal Atkinson
5. Angie Fl.
6. Lindsey
7. Kerryann R.
I got tagged! The Blog Award!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
5:21 PM
I need some help. We are trying to figure out what us three as a family could be for halloween. At first i wanted Andrew to be a pirate because Old Navy had one, but then we would have to think of something to go with that. Please give some ideas. I know there are a lot of you who are very creative. Thanks everyone!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
1:00 PM
John Schmidt Concert!
Last Saturday night we went and saw John Schmidt in concert at Thanksgiving Point in the outside amphitheater by the big waterfalls. It was so beautiful! John is a very talented piano player. This was our 3rd year going and we plan on going every year. We recommend everyone going to at least one of his concerts! Andrew loved his cookie. He tried so hard to eat it.
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
5:17 PM
Fun Adventure
We decided to re-paint our bedroom furniture black and it turned out pretty good. We had a little trouble with having the paint stay on because it ended up not being real wood. But I'm glad we did it! It makes our room so much better looking!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
5:14 PM
Andrew is 5 almost 6 months old now. He had his first set of shots last week and he sure did not like them. It was so hard to see my little boy get shots especially since I hate them! He was a good boy though. He cried for a little and then just had the suck ups for like a hour after and then slept for a while!
This last weekend we went to Manti for my family reunion and for my little brother's farewell. He is going to Munich, Austria Germany. He asked all his brother's and sister's to sing a song in church so we sang "How great thou art" and it sounded really good! I pretty much cried through the whole song. Evan's talk was amazing! The spirit was so strong and I don't think there was a dry eye in the room. Evan leaves next Wednesday and I can't believe how fast time fly's! What is really crazy to think is when he gets back in two years we will have another baby and Andrew will be almost 3. We will all miss Evan so much! For the reunion most of the family went and did a session at the Manti temple. That is such a beautiful temple! We also did some four wheeling and watched movies and hung out! It was a great and fun time to be with everyone!
Posted by
The Atkinson Family Blog
3:52 PM