Docter Appointment! (36 weeks almost 37)

February 22, 2008
So, we went to the doctor's this morning to see how I was doing and i'm dialated to a 2 and the baby is 80 percent effaced! So i could basically go in any day now! The doctor was really suprised that I am already that far because most girls with there first baby aren't dialating or anything until about right before there due date or after! We will keep you guy's updated and let you know more soon!


The Campbells said...

Wow! Good luck Brittney! We will be thinking about you guys! Can't wait to see your little guy!

Brian and April said...

I can't believe he's coming so soon. Good Luck!

Lindsey @ Scarlett James Design said...

Hi COUSIN! Just found your BLOG! You are going to have your BABY so soon and I still have THREE MONTHS! Remember it gets a lot easier after the first 6 weeks! Can't wait to see him! Check out our blog